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Essays of Kyzylorda intellectuals were recognized as the best at the republican contest

According to the results of the annual essay contest of the National Institute of Intellectual Property “The future is in your hands: invent and create”, NIS Kyzylorda students Arailym Ashirmet and Gaziza Aushenova took two second places.

Schoolchildren from all over the country took part in the competition aimed at popularizing knowledge in the field of intellectual property and instilling the basics of patent culture in the younger generation. A total of 350 works were received, 13 of which were recognized as the best.

— In my essay, I told about the literary website “Your Bookshelf” project, which helps to get acquainted with voluminous works in a short time. I was able not only to improve my writing skills, but also received a lot of information about intellectual property and a patent,” the second—place winner Arailym said.

The awards were presented to the winners by the head of the Department of Justice of the Kyzylorda region Irina Bakisheva and noted letters of thanks from the heads of Aigul Abuova and Zhadyra Azhibayev.

Also, the head of the department held a meeting with high school students, where she gave explanations and recommendations on intellectual property and copyright protection.