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Syrsunkar Wins the Grand Prize at “Abai Okulary”

Syrsunkar Bazarbayuly, a student of Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Kyzylorda, won first place at the jubilee republican competition “Abai Okulary” in Semey.

The traditional Abai Readings are held to popularize the works of the great poet and to encourage young people to read classical and traditional literature. This year, the event brought together 130 students who had won regional stages of the competition. The participants competed in six categories: memorizing the thinker’s works, expressively reading his words of wisdom, conducting literary analysis, and answering questions related to Abai’s life and works. Syrsunkar Bazarbayuly demonstrated exceptional skill in performing the great poet’s songs on the dombra.

“Abai’s poems and songs are very close to my heart; they inspire me with their philosophical depth and motivate me to become a complete person,” shared Syrsunkar, expressing gratitude to his teachers Kulzhakhan Oksikbayeva and Zharasbek Utebayev for their support in preparing for the competition.