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A visit of kindness and care

Students of Mustafa Shokay, Khan Taniri and Aisha Bibi Shanyraks visited a boarding home for the elderly and disabled.

For several years, school students have been actively involved in charitable events, demonstrating their dedication to the principles of social responsibility and solidarity. The visit to the nursing home for the elderly and disabled was another striking example of their desire to help those who need support and attention.

The children prepared a real holiday for the residents of the center: they served a delicious dastarkhan and organized an entertainment program. But most importantly, there were smiles and the exchange of stories that filled the event with an atmosphere of true mutual understanding and kindness.

For many students, this was not just a school project, it was an experience they will remember for a lifetime. Meeting people who need support teaches us to appreciate every moment of life, to be able to show kindness and care to each other.