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How to manage a modern school?

More than 100 directors, deputies and teachers of secondary schools in Kyzylorda region have completed the training course “Modern School Management”.

The training was organized by the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of AEO Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, where participants created a virtual school with the help of a special simulator aimed to improve students’ problem solving and regulatory skills.

– We focused on the main problems in school management during this team game. We carried out teamwork to attract partners to solve the financial issues of the school, analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of management, – said Lyailya Shomenova, the director of school-lyceum No. 123 named after T. Zhurgenov in Zhalagash district.

According to the participants, the management of a modern school is about creating of a high-quality educational environment by taking into account the needs of students, parents, society, and the development of professional skills of teachers as well as the effective organization of the educational process in accordance with modern requirements. Along with the improvement of professional competences, the managers learned to set priorities and make rational decisions in the management of the educational system by using the computer simulator.

– On the simulator, we tracked how effective were the decisions made annually as part of the implementation of the long-term school development plan, analyzed the work done for the academic year, which helps to fill in the gaps in advance before the next academic year, – shared the teacher of secondary school No. 140 named after Abylai Khan.